Adauga Anunt 100% gratuit Dati click aiciHydrogen is an energy carrier, meaning that it can be used to store energy, and it is suitable for use in renewable energy systems.
Hydrogen Technologies's bi-polar, filterpress, asbestos-free electrolyser cell design provides a safe, compact, operating unit with minimum space requirements.
An electrolyser that generates 485 Nm3 /hr hydrogen, and uses catalyst coating, reduces specific energy consumption up to 20-25% if compared to russian electrolysers. That means an energy consumption of 4.3-4.01 kWh/Nmc of hydrogen. The last means to use widia electrodes with catalyst coating.
This is a significant factor when you consider that 80 to 90 percent of the total operating cost of an electrolyser is the cost of energy.
Eletrolysers efficiency is up to 75%. Fuel cells that are needed in a hydrogen power plant are expensive, but have an 90% efficiency in converting Hydrogen and Oxygen in electrical energy, heat and water.
Hydrogen Technologies can supply hydrogen (and oxygen) generating plants to meet any specifications in terms of capacity, purity, pressure and storage. The capacity of the electrolyser is simply determined by the number of cells employed.
The surplus wind energy or solar energy produced under good conditions can be used to produce hydrogen, which can be stored and subsequently converted back into electricity when needed in calm weather or after dark.
BUY HHO generator and low cost industrial water electrolisers! Decrease gasoline need! CLICK HERE!: LOOK FOR “DRY CELL - Hydrogen Generator” The cost is very low 70-200 Euro